Mauritius: the colour of happiness
Turquoise lagoons, pink pigeons, rose-tinted sunsets - Frances Causer and her family are enchanted by the many shades of Mauritius.
'It looks like dinosaur country!" exclaimed my daughter when we first saw Mauritius from the air, with its lush, green and improbably jagged hills. "Enjoy yourselves in Paradise!" said the immigration official with a big smile as he handed back our passports. In all our travels we had never seen a smiling immigration official, and we decided there and then that Mauritius was going to be special.
We were driven through the sugarcane plantations on the way to the coastal road, flashed past a tantalising sign for a crocodile farm, were intrigued by the tangled stilt roots of the mangrove coast, saw families with their Sunday picnics under the trees at the edge of white beaches, and wanted to do some impulse shopping at the roadside fish stalls.
The reception of the Hotel Paradis, one of the best resorts, was a high, thatched roof made of sugar cane leaf, and instead of walls there was a view to the sea on one side and water gardens on the other, with birds swooping gracefully through.
When we were whisked off to our private villa, my son remembered his manners enough to say hello to our charming butler Ajay, paused to exclaim "we've all got our own wide-screen TVs", and then sprinted across the white sand for the glistening Indian Ocean, all of 40 feet away, leaving a trail of clothes across the veranda and garden. This prompted my daughter to follow him as soon as possible.
"Argh, why didn't you tell me about the sea slugs?" came the half-horrified, half-fascinated cry. There were hundreds of them, and the children quizzed Ajay about the breeding habits of sea slugs, but all he would say was that we should be glad they were there; thanks to their cleansing of the water, we could enjoy the beauty of the lagoon.
The lagoon water was indeed as transparent as it could be, allowing for its magnificent shade of turquoise. When we decided to go scuba-diving it was definitely worth it - the moment we jumped into the water, we were surrounded by colourful coral and shimmering triangular fish with antennae-like fins combined with zebra stripes streaked down the sides. "Look, it's like Nemo!" came a bubbly voice.
Apart from scuba diving, there were many other water sports available. For example the children went water skiing (and had a go on their own after a quick tutorial), kayaking and wind surfing. For those who have had enough of the sea, the hotel has a fine 18-hole golf course. Whatever we felt like, there was always something to do.
We didn't want to leave the beach, but we were curious to meet the giant tortoises and pink pigeons at The Casela Bird Park. Gerald Durrell began the rescue of Mauritian pink pigeons when they were down to 20 pairs. Now they're holding their ground, but the label on their enclosure announced "Parents lay eggs on a rudimentary platform… and normally only succeed in rearing 10 per cent of their offspring."
When we saw them, the pigeons and their lovely dusky pink plumage somehow took on a tinge of embarrassment and matched the awkwardness of their look, as if we had caught them out in the ineptness of their child-raising methods.
The Aldabra tortoises were a comedy act in slow motion. A good three-feet-long, the seniors had parked themselves in a line in a mud pool, with their great, clawed feet lolling out of their shells, like some peculiar taxi rank. Others strolled ponderously, turning occasional disdainful glances on their visitors, accompanied by immense groans, stretching incongruously long necks, and sticking out surprisingly pink tongues when they reached for a snack. We couldn't blame them for their disdain; various European navies found Mauritian giant tortoises a good source of provision and ate them to extinction.
Talking of eating, the Hotel Paradis had five restaurants, including a lovely one reached by boat, and another serving marvellous themed buffets. The food embraced a wide variety of dishes and was excellent; much was made from local produce.
From starters to puddings, we were spoilt for choice - soup of fish caught in the lagoon with Mauritian saffron flavours; sweet garlic croutons with coconut chutney; fresh mint and creamy crab Faye Faye; brioche caramelised with acacia honey and cinnamon ice-cream. The children were delighted when they realised they could go back for as many puddings as they liked and were soon returning time and time again with plates stacked with rich cakes, exotic fruits (succulent pineapples, mangos, papayas…) and ice-cream.
Ajay also prepared snacks of various kinds, our favourite being the daily fruit dish - a delicately put together mix of all kinds of tropical fruits. The red whiskered bulbuls and other brightly coloured birds, scenting the fruit, invariably tried to join us.
With spare energy from eating all that gourmet food, we set about climbing the 1,824-foot mountain of Le Morne a little way down our peninsula, to which we were also drawn by its sad history. Runaway slaves in the colonial era hid on its upper slopes, and were protected by the mountain's inaccessibility. Slavery was abolished in all British colonies in 1835, and messengers were sent with the glad news, but the slaves thought that the messengers were coming to recapture them, and flung themselves off a precipice.
To cheer us up, our guide Yan Maroussem delighted us by pointing out the poc poc plant, with its light-green, egg-sized pods with soft spines. We had to step over a pair of African land snails mating in the path, and marvelled at their size, which was about that of a generously proportioned pear. A flash of scarlet in the trees was the cardinal bird, and later we also spotted the female, who has a fetching ensemble of orange and grey plumage.
The mountain itself is a national park, but the surrounding land is privately owned, although access is permitted if you go with the guide Yan Maroussem. There is no marked path and so most people don't go beyond 1,500 ft, where there is a simple cross commemorating the slaves, and a beautiful view of the lagoon, a collage of blues, turquoises and greens. There are plans to register Le Morne as a World Heritage Site, and build a museum of slavery, but for the moment it is a remote and lovely place.
Mauritius at night was another thing - the romantic sunset dyeing the sea red, the graceful silhouettes of the palm trees and finally the bright stars. We went along to a talk on the southern hemisphere constellations where we were shown a slide show of various stars. We then went outside to look at these same stars through an immense telescope.
The constellations looked unfamiliar, but were fascinating. We had a look at the moon close up and could see the rough surface astonishingly well. We concluded that Mauritius by day and by night were both equally scenic.
Reluctantly - of course - we returned home to Oxford, but were soon missing Mauritius immensely (although drinking vanilla tea from the island helped a little). In an vague act of homage, we visited the celebrated dodo, in the city's Pitt River's Museum - once they ran wild on the island. No more. Dodos, aside, though, it's hard to think of anything - at least for this happy little family group - that could possibly improve idyllic Mauritius.
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